Friday, September 21, 2018

Hell Valley Why Not

When someone invite you to hell valley what is in your mind? Is it crazy?? If you want go to hell just go by yourself don't invite me, i still wanna live !!! Hahahaha..  I still wanna live too, but i just wanna invite you travelling to Hell Valley, Sis...

You know Hell Valley is one of town in japan it called Noboribetsu and well known with onsen town or Hell Valley Onsen. This is one of the best onsen in Hokkaido. 

This is a small town with a lot of tourist. I came here coz i was curious with onsen and hell valley. I stayed at Takimoto Inn which located across Dai ichi Takimoto. When you stay here fell free to wear yukata, you can ask for it in Reception Desk. 


Getting Noboribetsu From Tokyo :

By shinkansen hayabusa to shin-hakodate-hokuto (approx : 4 hours) and transfer to Limited Express Super Hokuto (approx : 2,5 hours)

From Noboribetsu station take local bus to takimoto inn. You can walk from takimoto inn to jigokudani or hell valley.


There are many place to visit in here. When i arrived noboribetsu station , it almost 5 pm. We ask for a bus ticket then ready go for check in hotel. Arrived hotel, we saw few people wore yukata. Then we ask reception, they lend us yukata. I took a selfie foto while wearing a yukata. 

Times keep running, we continued our trip. We visited noboribetsu park, took a picture  merchandise shop buy some gift (hello kitty bag, hello kitty doll, tero tero bozu), etc, took a short trekking to jigokudani, have a dinner. 

In the morning we went to Dai Ichi Takimoto for onsen. This was the benefit for staying in takimoto inn, we can have a free onsen at Dai Ichi Takimoto. I didn't have any courage to join onsen, so i walked around hotel and jigokudani. Make sure you wear snow shoes otherwise you will fall down. 


Don't listen to what they say. Go see.. Better to see something once than hear about it a thousand times.. 


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tomamu Ice Village

Travelling needs courage, courage for interaction with strangers, courage to get lost in the road. With this we can learn many things. It doesn't matter where you go, how far you go, with whom you go but adventure begins with a decision, courage and action.

Solo travelling is not bad as you think. You will never be alone even when you are alone. You will meet new friends, and you can do all what you want. You are freedom!!!

This evening i continue my trip to Tomamu. You know when you come to Japan in winter you can't miss this town. It well known with Ice Village. We all prepared winter coat, gloves, and don't forget winter hand warmer, otherwise you will freeze cause the temperature can reach -15 Celsius. 

All image by

Ice Village usually can be visit on December - March and start from 17:00 - 22:00 (It's better or you to double check the website for the fix schedule and the entrance fee). When i visited ice village on January i paid 500 yen and got one hand warmer pocket.  

I always thought ice village only existed in kids storytelling like frozen cartoon. Who knows it really exist in the real world. When i heard about it i decided i must visit this place at least once in my live. January 2018, the first time in my live, i stepped my feet to ice village. 

This village was amazing, super beautiful. The scenery, the art, and people who create this village is so creative. Even you can visit ice chapel, have a drink with ice glass, sitting on the ice chair, playing slide, sleep on the ice bed, etc. 

I arrived at Tomamu at 6 pm. I start take a picture and selfie. This moment must be recorded. I can't miss it. One hour already passed, the weather became cold and my step became slower than before but i still can walk and take a picture. I take a rest for a while and drink hot chocolate to warmed body. 

Time showed 7.30 pm and the weather was cooler than before.I started shivering, i almost freezing. My hand and my feet began numb. I took out my cellphone and shocked the temperature was minus 15 Celsius. I hurried walk to ice chapel and unfortunately the chapel open at 8 pm. I'd already come to here i couldn't miss it. I tried to do an activity or hide in the crowded and used my hand warmer pocket. 

In the end i was not wait in vain. I got the best spot for take a picture and i saw the amazing art of sculpting. How could ice be used to built a church, its out of my mind. 

In the end, this place leave unforgettable moment my life. If i have a chance i will back to there. 

One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. DO IT NOW- Paulo Coelho.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Bagan Siapiapi, Kota kecil di daerah rokan..

Hi., Travellers... Liburan lebaran kali ini saya ikut teman saya pulkam ke bagan siapiapi. Pada pernah dengar ga nama kota ini? Bagan siapiapi sering dikenal dengan nama Bayan. Bayan sendiri terkenal dengan wisata kuliner dan festival bakar tongkang. Banyak wisatawan dari dalam negri maupun luar negri datang ke bayan khusus menikmati lezatnya makanan dan festival bakar tongkang. 

Untuk mencapai bagan siapiapi bisa dari Medan ataupun dari Pekan Baru. Kalau saya kapan lalu berangkat dari medan membutuhkan waktu lebih kurang 15jam baru sampai di bagan siapiapi. Perjalanan kali ini kita pesan mobil dari bali tour atau A Travel dengan harga one way perorang 200ribu dan satu mobil biasanya muat paling maksimal 8 orang termasuk supir. Guys mobilnya sudah ber-ac loh. 

Walaupun bagan siapiapi termasuk salah satu kota kecil, tapi bagan siapiapi tidak kalah dengan kota lainnya. Di kota ini terdapat 4-6 hotel. Bagi yang mau liburan kemari tidak perlu pusing mau cari penginapan. Satuhal yang harus diketahui apabila mau liburan ke bagan siapiapi, di sini tidak ada angkot maupun becak dayung. Kebanyakan orang naik motor atau becak mesin atau jalan kaki. 

Bagan siapiapi mempunyai keunikan tersendiri. Ketika di bagan melihat mereka berbicara serasa berada di negara taiwan karena bahasa hokkian yang dipakai seperti yang di daaitv. Bagi saya itu sesuatu yang wow banget.. Orang bagan pada ramah, baik dan mempunyai rasa kekeluargaaan yang tinggi apalagi kalau bertamu, mereka dengan hangatnya welcome kita(serasa  dirumah sendiri). 

Kota Bagan tidaklah besar, hiburan pun tidak banyak seperti di medan atau jakarta yang ada minimal 3 or 4 mall. 
Disana tidak dijumpai mall yang ada hanya indomaret atau alfamid(alfamart). Warga disini biasanya menghabiskan waktu dengan naik motor dengan teman keliling jalan di Bagan sekalian sambil bincang bincang. Selain itu, pada malam hari biasanya mereka kerumah teman untuk karaoke. Ngomong2 soal rumah, di bagan rata rata rumah masih terbuat dari kayu dan di depan, belakang atau dalam rumah ada minimal 2 tong besar untuk menampung air (seperti gambar).

Kenapa sih mau ke bagan? Toh tidak ada mall dan tempat wisata yang lain, lagian disana panas banget begitu keluar sebentar panasnya menusuk sampai tulang. Why Why Why????? Alasannya karena makanannya. Bagan itu terkenal akan kelezatan makanannya. Kulinermya sudah terkenal dimana mana.. Asal ngomongin bagan teringat kari peng, ke mi, kokikue dan masih banyak lagi. 


Sedapnyo.. maknyoss.. I Love it...

Don't worry makanan disini masih terjangkau kantong yang penting ga masuk ke restoran masih aman.

Tiba waktu mau pulang serasa tak rela meninggalkan kota ini... apalagi pulang tanpa bawa ole2 tak lengkap rasanya.. Nah kalau mau beli ole2 ada beberapa yang bisa dijadikan note utk dibeli yaitu chuikaoso, kacang pukul, permen kelapa, sowako, kue putu, tausa pia, mie sua, dll. Tapi pada umumnya orang pada beli itu termasuk saya. Sampai jumpa Bagan see you next time..

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Raja Ampat, Papua Impian Traveller

Raja Ampat, Papua merupakan destinasi impian turis lokal maupun mancanegara. Keindahan alam bawah laut dan daratan yang begitu indah merupakan daya tarik tersendiri bagi setiap turis yang datang mengunjunginya.

#sumber gambar berasal dari

Untuk dapat mengunjungi raja ampat dapat mengambil penerbangan dari jakarta ataupun makassar ke sorong kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penerbangan dari sorong ke Bandara Raja Ampat, Waisai ataupun dengan kapal ferri. Tiket pesawat dapat dibeli secara online melalui Melalui pembelian #tiketkemanapun menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat.

Setiba di bandara sorong, perjalanan ditempuh melalui jalur laut. Berdasarkan informasi dari, dari bandara sorong menuju pelabuhan sorong memakan waktu lebih kurang 10 menit naik angkot warna kuning trayek A dan B. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kapal untuk sebrang ke Wasai, Raja Ampat. Untuk berwisata di Raja Ampat, setiap turis dikenakan biaya layanan pemelihara lingkungan sebesar Rp. 500.000,-/Orang.

Transportasi Mengelilingi Raja Ampat
Untuk mengelilingi Raja Ampat tentunya harus naik kapal atau speedboat. Untuk biaya kapal sendiri membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar dan disarankan agar dapat bepergian secara rombongan agar dapat memangkas biaya transportasi. 

Apa yang bisa dilakukan di Raja Ampat
Banyak turis yang datang ke Raja Ampat untuk menikmati keindahan laut dengan cara snorkling ataupun diving. Alasan utama saya datang ke Raja Ampat adalah untuk menikmati pemandangan yang indah seperti hutan lebat, keindahan setiap pulau yang ada di Raja Ampat. Yang jelas kalau sudah sampai disini harus selfie sepuas-puasnya.

Nah teman-teman, kira-kira kalau mau ke Raja Ampat berkisar 5 hari mau ngapain aja ya dari hari ke 1 - 5? Pasti bingung sangking banyaknya tempat yang harus dikunjungi.Setelah saya tanya pak google akhirnya ni.. saya tau mau kemana dan ngapain. Lets check it out.

Day 1
- Perjalanan dari Sorong ke Raja Ampat (Waisai) naik kapal atau speedboat. Check in Hotel/guesthouse dan kemudian free time (istirahat ataupun jalan keliling sekitar penginapan). Pastikan istirahat yang cukup karna perjalanan masih panjang

Day II
- Wayag Mount Kart

-  Kabui Bay
-  The Passage
-  Manyaifun island
-  Sand Cays of Meoi Manggara
-  Free time to explore GAM Island

Day IV
- Pianemo hill
- Kri Island
- Mansuar Island
- Arborek Island
- Pam Island

Day V
- Kofiau
- Batanta waterfall
- Batanta Traditional Villages
- Misool Harfat Hill
- Misool Balbulol

Nah, tunggu apalagi ayo segera rencanakan perjalananmu bersama, #tiketkemanapun menjadikan impian setiap para traveller menjadi nyata. See You di next destination.. Have a nice trip.
(Untuk detail peta Raja Ampat dapat diunduh disini)

Monday, March 5, 2018

Itinerary For Next Japan Trip

Hiii, all.. Still can't move on from last trip to japan. Last time i went to japan in summer. It was very excited. Now i'm arranged my next trip to japan in winter. Why winter? Coz i'd never go to winter country before and never touch snow so i decided to go to japan in winter. 

About ticket to japan, i'd already bought. The route is from medan to osaka and tokyo to medan in january. Now the main problem is where should i go and stay? what should i do? Most of the winter festival is in February.

Everyday i try to find information from google and ask friends to write an itenerary. Many cities i want to visit such as osaka, kyoto, hida takayama, kanazawa, sapporo, etc but i only have 10 days. I must decide what place should i visit so i take a pen and book, start to search and make a list from each city.

After few months i struggling, i write 12 days itinerary. i will share my 12 days schedule maybe it looks a little bit rush.

Day 1 Osaka

Osaka castle
Shinsaibashi suji street ( eat pablo cheese cake and buy calbe potato chip )
Takashiyama ( Must buy Glico at Baton d'or )
Dotonburi ( must buy onigiri senbei, donbe nissin noodle cup )

Make sure you choose the right pass for your trip and where you can get the pass.

Day 2 Kyoto

Uji ( must visit byodo temple, tale of genji museum, buy tea from uji )
Inari ( of course must visit fushimi inari and buy souvenir torii gate. Remember to buy kifune fox senbei and Inari senbei crackers )
Kifune Shrine
Eat at kichi kichi omurice ( make a reservation before come otherwise you will disappointed )
Nb : If you still have enough time take a walk to higashiyama street and gion street.

Day 3 Kyoto

Kiyomizudera Temple
Ginkakuji Temple
Kinkakuji Temple
Nishiki market

Day 4 Hida Takayama

Take a half day tour to Shirakawa Go
Hida Historic Village
This place famous with the beef. Try Hida beef if you come here.

Day 5 Takayama - Noboribetsu

Shin Hotaka Ropeway

OTW To Noboribetsu
To get Sapporo by train it will take a long time. I suggest take a train to Osaka and from Osaka take a sleeper train. For the JR Pass holder only can take  nobi-nobi seat. Please make a reservation few days before. From Tokyo take shinkansen to Noboribetsu, Hokkaido.

Day 6 Noboribetsu

Hell Valley Walking course

Day 7 Sapporo

Shiroi Koibito

Day 8 Sapporo

Clock Tower
Sapporo TV Station
Tanuki Shopping Archade
Historical Village Hokkaido

Day 9 Sapporo

Sapporo Central whole market
Fushimi Inari
Sapporo Factory

Day 10 Tokyo


Day 11 Tokyo


Day 12 Tokyo


That's my itinerary for 12 days stay in japan. After i finished it, I prepared document for apply visas.
If you stay in medan, you can come to  Sinar Mas Land Plaza (Wisma BII) 5th Floor at P. Diponegoro  Street No.18. Information about work hours, holiday, document and fee for apply visa please check this